Journey to an Embodied Self

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Written by Daphne

Daphne is a registered yoga therapist, movement educator, bodyworker, and a specialist in somatic therapy.

November 2, 2021

How often in your day do you, can you, will you, dedicate time for yourself?

How often in life can you, will you, do you, set aside a whole week, or maybe even two, to retreat and reconnect?

How often will you, can you, do you, let your nervous system reset, to tune into a more subtle awareness that’s guided by intuition.

A time to rest, rejuvenate, rewire, relearn.
A time to rediscover your body, move, dance, self-inquire, befriend yourself again.

This is the kind of work we do at the annual Embodiment & Bodywork Immersion
And yes, I call it work 🙂 

If you know me, you’d know I’m not one who gives formulaic answers or quick fixes.
I can’t offer you a 10-step guide to bliss and enlightenment.
Nor can I offer you a sequence to perfect your handstand. 

I can’t do the work for you.


I love bringing people together to co-create within a container of a retreat.
I love creating a safe space to facilitate the uncovering of deep and meaningful questions.
I love offering a therapeutic framework to support one another through a shedding of layers, a deep dive into shadow work, one in which we return to the basics, of remembering who are.
I love bearing witness to the unexpected creative expressions that are often borne out of this work – poetry, dance, drawings, and most of all – connections.

This is the flame that’s burning in my heart, a conviction that there’s an art to living well that’s beyond being busy and a nice glass of wine after a long day, a desire to learn and share and relearn about who we are, why are we here, what makes us Us.

To call this journey an immersion is my best attempt in trying to describe the phenomena that occur every year when a group of people come together to push a reset button.
To move, breath, inquire into our mind, our body, our actions, our relationships.
To be empowered in our own healing process by truly listening to what’s within and without…
And then to leave with just a little bit more clarity, intention, and wonderment in their life, an embodied experience imprinted into our cellular being.

“Daphne’s embodiment and immersion retreat had me seeing the true state of my humanity – a difficult time, yet arriving at a return to central love. If you are seeking truth in your existence you will find what you are looking for in the realm created by Daphne’s course.”
~ Geoff Nichols, Poet, Australia

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This post was previously posted on on April 24th 2019

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