Feet Care Therapy

Feet Care Therapy

In the Somatic Embodiment Lab Series, we explore mind body techniques that help shine a light on our habitual but unconscious neurological patterning that manifests into how we breathe, our posturing, and our reactivity to our environment. The techniques explored also serve to promote homeostatic mechanisms and improve automatic regulation, which are key to maintaining health and healing chronic conditions.

About Feet Care Therapy

Our two feet are made up of 52 bones, 60 joints and 200 muscles, tendons and ligaments.⁣ Our feet establishes the foundation of our vertical relationship to navigate through gravity and our 3-dimensional space.⁣ They create movement continuity through all our body’s systems.⁣ Embryologically, our feet are also an extension of the pelvis, and are closely related to our pelvic health.⁣

Join this session for an exploration of the feet to alleviate conditions like plantar fasciitis, heel pain, achilles tendinitis, knee pain, back pain, or even migraine.


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